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We believe you get to live the best life possible this life time - make it count.

This is the Place for you if...


doubting you could harm your clients, worries that your leadership isn’t transformative enough, fear of being judged by those around you to be a ‘coach’, feeling like an imposter and not truly getting yourself in front of potential clients because you doubt yourself, self-sabotage via perfectionsm to prove others that you are good enough to be a coach.

Maximize your life experience

TSL is all about making yourself remember that life is about being alive and truly FEELING it so that you impact others from a space of fullness. You see, you don’t need an excuse or permission to have fun while creating your dream life, without the hustle & numbing of your emotions to ‘get it done’.

We are so excited to train you to become a certified Soulful Leader who makes life playful again and increases the capacitiy in which you navigate through life’s & business’s challenges.

Very so often… when we look into certifications it’s because we believe we need something to prove to others, to ourselves that we are good enough and legit to do the work we want to do. We do it very often for external permission. Not out of permission. We, at TSL offer certifications out of the belief: HOW GOOD CAN LIFE REALLY GET? TSL is not only a place for you to GAIN a certification but also to become the strongest, most alive you have ever been – connected, willing to go the extra mile and really become the master of your own art (life).

Everything starts and ends with you.

In your life.

In your business.

In your relationships.

TSL bridges the gap between what many leaders simply lack – the ability to lead themselves. And ultimately lead others “whole-listically”.

The Way You Meet Yourself Is The Way You Will Meet Your Clients,
And The Way You Meet Your Clients Is The Way You Will Change The World

Who you are learning from...

Hi Beautiful You!

My name is Liza and I am so pleased YOU are here. Hands down – I am in love with the human potential and am so eager to create a world better than we found it in. And that starts with leadership…Leadership has accompanied me for a very long time, 10 years to be exact

After studying leadership, I realized quickly that most leaders weren’t actually able to lead – shocker – something to me very paradox. So, I researched & completed my master thesis on how to improve mental health in a company via leadership skills that genuinly started within the leader.

Then I enrolled in certifications, seminars, retreats & courses… only to find out that they too were lacking essential parts within their frame of education & guidance.

I was missing the bridge from theoretical knowledge and trial & error expertise. Or the ancient wisdom to the new-gained knowledge about our subconscious mind. It was hard to grasp, so I dug deeper. Every coaching client, I worked with, gave me the possibility to draw parallels, see what works and what not, I created more and more research papers, joined confidential supervision-groups to gain feedback on the way I work & fine tuned it…until my surroundings started signalling “I want to learn from you” & decided: THIS NEEDS TO BE OUT THERE.

Ultimately, I’ve collected more than 1000+ pages of 1:1 client summaries & observations in group settings, to not just provide you with tools but teach you HOW you can use them, what to do with clients in any type of situation, how to enable them to shift quickly & how to create a safe space for them to expand.

And I couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome you in this training. Because I am confident to say that TSL is going to change your world and your leadership.

Results of my Clients...

Meet Kristin here:

She is an expert in truly discovering your truest essence via: techniques such as all TSL modalitites, as well as Human Design, Resilience Training Techniques etc. 

Meet Lena here:

She is a travel bug and changes your world through bringing you back into balance with movement and letting your heart guide you. Pilates and understanding body + mind + soul as one is her basis.

Meet Sophia here:

She is the embodiment of purity and clarity who stepped into becoming a writer full time. We love how she implemented everything she learned in TSL in her life and nows truly stepped into living her best life.

Meet Hannah here:

This industry trailblazer is a leader through and through. Building multiple 7 fig businesses, she embarked on the journey of Soulful Leadership to be best equipped in her companies as well as navigating her own emotions smoother.

Meet Lisa & Sabine here:

Our previous assistant, Carina, is interviewing our first mama and daugther duo – who have been clearing out so much during the time in TSL, learned so much about themselves and created a strong bond. We are so glad we were able to witness them grow and step into their own unique Soulful Leadership.

“TSL helped me to become me. TSL is honest, challenging and loving. It feels like home and has helped me create the life of my dreams, that I never dared to speak out loud before. TSL and all members helped me speak my truth even when it was uncomfortable as it was so safe to speak my heart. I also want to say how impactful all the calls were to me. It is a room like no other. Deep yet light. Fun yet serious. Transformative yet safe. I have never been more myself than now and I have never been so content with where I am and excited to where I am going. With all these incredible people in my back pocket that make me want to be my best version every single day, I can assure that whatever is next is miraculous. So, if you are still thinking about joining, there is no better time coming and there is no better program waiting!!!”

we look at things differently. We think differently. We teach differently.

The Soulful News
news you actually want to open

ENJOY A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO READ, WATCH AND LISTEN TO the soulful news. Join us for a journey of discovery in honor of our leadership spirit.