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Upgrading your Intuition Game

alignment with your intuition

When looking at leadership or a company, one key element is often missing: access to the inner knowing. A reason for self-sabotage, thought circles, lack in trust & self-worth & lack in leading skills, feelings of unclarity, indecision, etc. – which leads to inefficiency, a lot of time & effort & energy to be wasted... STEP UP. This intense 8 week Bootcamp invites you to fully start building unshakable self trust and go for the life you truly want to live, led by intuition & deep knowing.

Upgrading your Business Game

grow a 4-7 fig conscious business

comparison trap while building y/biz

UP-LEVEL YOUR SALES through stories

leverage a small audience to millions

lessons from a master in biz & scaling to 7fig

Upgrading your identity Game

identity work basic to shift everything

The logical and energetic blueprint that actually makes the transformation stick, adding NLP tools to make your transformation last. Stop throwing spaghetti at the wall & see what sticks, become the leader.